Monday 3 May 2021

What are the Specialties of Indian Urinal Sensor?


Did you flush the toilet?

Oh gross, you didn’t.

Now, the environment and the toilet will get filled with the delectable essence of your piss, which will add a frivolous zest to my dull-day at the office today.

This type of conversation happens regularly in Indian households, wherein the wife more often than not has to reprimand her husband if he fails to flush after taking a leak. The reasons are abundant - he forgot to flush, he was in a hurry, or he couldn’t care less.

Now, let’s consider the same in a large setting, such as the workplace, shopping mall, or public utilities; only this time the husband gets replaced by a male of any & every age, and the woman by the janitor.

Imagine the struggle janitors have to face every day to clean stinking urinals that were not flushed properly and now pose a threat to public health.

The best defense people usually have is either they forgot, or men were waiting in the queue, or they simply didn’t wish to do it as it’s not their job and nobody’s going to tell them a thing.

All of this can be solved with a simple solution, i.e., a urinal sensor, which facilitates auto flush based on the vicinity of a human.


It has the following advantages over the manual urinal -


       Hygiene and cleanliness get maintained without the application of hands.

   The lesser human contact ensures little to nothing turning knob issues and other wear and tear related to the urinal.

    Users can never quantify how much water is enough after taking a leak, whereas sensors know and will only utilize the predetermined amount of water, making it save millions of liters of water & handsome money every year.

       They look smart and add heavily to the overall style statement of the establishment owner.


The Indian urinal sensors are regularly growing in demand as several households are installing a urinal alongside the toilet to segregate the human waste in a sophisticated fashion and to prevent the awful urine drops on the toilet seat that the men in the house blame on each other when they forget to lift the toilet seat. 

Whether you need it for home or commercial establishment, buy Indian urinal sensors only from a reputable seller like Bharat Photon today and keep your restroom clean & odor-free for a long time.

The stylish ceramic urinal sensors from Bharat Photon are white in color with embedded sensors for auto-flush and deodorize features. These sensors are smart in every sense to prevent the second person in the queue from being splashed & unnecessary water waste with their false flush protection feature.



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